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Content Delivery Network
Secure and reliable global content delivery and acceleration

Prioritize speed for the best experience

In online content delivery, user experience is everything. a Content Delivery Network (CDN) lets you reduce load times, save bandwidth, and speed responsiveness—whether you’re developing or managing websites or mobile apps, or encoding and distributing streaming media, gaming software, firmware updates, or IoT endpoints.

Why Use a CDN?

Blazing Fast Content Delivery

A CDN ensures the rapid-fire delivery of website content with little or no latency. A CDN is especially useful for sites that provide streaming videos, as it reduces or eliminates jitters.

Massive Capacity

With its distributed, global presence, CDN easily handles sudden traffic spikes and heavy loads—for example, during major product launches or global sporting events—without new infrastructure costs or capacity concerns.

100% Uptime

Because CDN powered websites have their content stored in multiple servers located across different geographic regions, they provide 100 percent content availability, even in the event of network failures, hardware problems and power outages.

Easy Integration

CDN works seamlessly with Mint services. Build and tailor your content delivery strategy with a choice of providers -- Akamai, Verizon and Microsoft, enabling you to select the right solution for your specific needs — for example, load balancing across content delivery networks.

Why You'll Love Media3

There are so many reasons to choose Media3, here are a few :

24/7 US Based Tech Support

Free Migration Assistance

Over 100 DataCenters

State-of-the-Art Technology

More than 50 Countries

Experienced Team

Ready to Go Solutions

World Class Customer Care

Enterprise Class Hosting

Trusted by Customers World Wide Since 1995